Fresh IE to drop “Death Of A Rapper” on June 6

fresh ie cover 2.21Death Of A Rapper is the most personal and painful project released by Rob Wilson, aka Fresh IE. Every song is an expression of emotions from a man who discovers how deeply flawed he truly is. After almost losing everything that he loves and over coming thoughts of suicide, Fresh IE turned once again to what helped save his life 13 years ago, making music. The result is the new 13 song album, released on iTunes, June 6, 2011.

The big difference from his eight other commercial releases is that this time, Fresh IE has not just survived the elements of hard life handed to him as a child growing up in poverty and crime. This time Fresh IE has had to overcome hardships created by his own deeds.

Death Of A Rapper is about Fresh IE discovering who Rob Wilson really is and how vulnerable he really is. About a man who is more than just a two time Grammy Nominee, or the First Canadian Rapper to be nominated for a Grammy Award. More than the man who won dozens of awards and more than the man who spent 12 years trying to encourage youth all over Canada and the United States to live their best lives. Death Of A Rapper is more of a statement of how Fresh IE went from grace to glory, from glory to disgrace and back to grace.

Death Of A Rapper is available on iTunes, June 6, 2011.

Follow Me: @fresh204


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