Devotional: My Letter of Transparency

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Greeting friends,

This past weekend was a very special weekend for me and I give all glory to God. You know when God has purpose for you, many obstacles will try to delay you from doing what God has created you to do. I am not a perfect person and definitely have not lived a perfect life. That is why I thank God everyday for His extended grace & mercy on my life.

I just want to be transparent with you. Born in Columbus, Mississippi, I am the eldest of 7 children. My mother was 17 when I was born so it was basically a child having a child. She did the best she could as an inexperienced mother & till this day I love her for it, that will never change. How many believe that true love goes far beyond any hurt & it will allow one to overcome any pain? I do, and I am a living witness. A victim of domestic abuse from mother to son, verbal abuse, emotional abuse; I know that I have purpose. Now you have some people who claim they were abused because they didn’t get what they wanted or that they received a spanking for their mistakes, well let me describe the abuse I endured at the age of 6:

1. Torn skin on my back, legs and arms due to heavy whips from a thick leather strip (many times)
2. Multiple head injuries with reminding scars from the injuries
3. Deprived meals for days
4. Constant verbal reminders that I would never be anything and I was almost aborted
5. Scared to sleep at night not knowing if I would get a random beating

These were just some of the things I endure as an adolescent yet that does not compare to what Jesus endured. I do understand what it is to love someone so much yet have them abuse you, misuse you and forsake your existence for no reason. This is what Jesus endures and more. All He wants is from us is to accept Him, love Him & allow Him to love us like only He can.

Just think about some of the things you endured as a child of God that seemed like great pain. Know that Jesus paid the ultimate price so that you can survive what little you & I went through, are going through or may go through. I say little because Jesus took that much.

Guess what? I have done so much even after being blessed to survive abuse, rejection and abandonment. Yet through it all (homelessness, gang activity, drugs/selling & using, womanizing, prison, others attempt of physical death on my life, divorce, attempted suicide and others) God still saw me fit to receive His grace & mercy to live this life as His vessel to do His will.

Isn’t God amazing? Wait, amazing doesn’t even describe how I truly feel about Him. God is FANRIFFIC!!!

In 2003, I put away all that and rededicated my life as a man of God and continued my journey to destiny. In 2005, God allowed me to marry my “Deborah”, “Proverbs 31 wife” who fights with me & not against me. In 2008, God gave us our legacy, Solomon Bernard and in 2010, God allowed us to break ground on the new foundation of our lives as the Mitchell Family. The story continues…

This past weekend I accepted the ordination/validation as His watchman on this earth. I thank God because He ordered my steps and He gave me the chance to follow. I am not going to lie to you and say it’s a rosy life. No, it’s a God spear-headed life in which we are shown pitfall by charged angels. You can live your life with joy & peace even in the storm. Tests & trials do come but allow the Word hidden in your heart to spring forth like a running river and speak peace.

My friends, I pray you look over your life and give God praise for how He has allowed you to overcome many obstacles and most of all for being the light to help others become over-comers.

I just wanted to share this with you. Please remember this: Don’t count anyone out. As long as there is a heartbeat, there is hope. You are not the underdog, you are the over-comer!

Find out more about S. Bernard Mitchell here.


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