Grave Clothes

Galatians 5:1 (KJV) Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Liberated, released, unloosed, emancipated, redeemed, free; the blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary’s cross has made us free.  So why are so many of us who profess the name of Jesus still in bondage?  When Jesus called Lazarus, he came forth out of the tomb still wrapped in grave clothes.  The Bible says his hands and feet, as well as his face, were bound.  Jesus called for them to loose Lazarus from the grave clothes.  Before Lazarus could embrace his sisters and thank Jesus for the miracle He had performed, before he could go forth in the new life Jesus had given him, he had to be loosed from the grave clothes that still had him bound (John 11:43-44).

Many of us have been saved for a long time but are still walking around in grave clothes not having the freedom to truly serve God like he has commanded us to.  We are bond by fear, doubt, jealousy, low self-esteem, pride and the list goes on.  Paul declares we are no longer children of the bondwoman but of the free (Galatians 4:31) and we must stand fast in that freedom.  When you stand fast, you are doing something – you are not idle. To stand fast means to refuse to abandon your beliefs. The enemy will always come against you to keep you distracted from what God really has for you.  Your job is to believe God, believe what God says about you and your situation.  Through everything that the enemy throws at you, stand fast in your liberty. Your freedom is in Christ and if you don’t hold on to that freedom when it is challenged you will forever be wrapped in grave clothes.

What does a person in bondage look like?  Just watch the nightly news, uncontrolled anger, random acts of violence, people boldly broadcasting their sin, saints compromising God’s word for acceptance or maybe you just need to look in the mirror.  It is not God’s intent that we be bound in anyway, He finished it all on the cross.  I believe we stay bound because it is comfortable.  Change is tough and uncomfortable it’s easy to stay where you are; some of us wouldn’t recognize ourselves without those grave clothes.  Refuse to let what Jesus did on Calvary be for nothing in your life.  Take full advantage of the sacrifice He made, He did it all for you.  He has already paid the price for you to be free.

Today my friend, I declare you are free. Free to be productive in the kingdom of God, free to live a prosperous and victorious life in Him. You are free to write that book, start that business, plant that seed, free to minister to the needs in your community.  There is nothing standing between you and God’s promises, nothing between you and a loving faithful relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are free to worship Him and free to serve Him.  I challenge you to ask God to reveal to you anything holding you back from being completely and wholly His.  Be determined to live life not wearing those grave clothes.

Satricia Moore



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