Album Review: Saint James – “True Story: The Saint James LP”

Released: 2011

Reviewed by: Joshua Dwight

Rating: 6.9 (Out of 10)

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 Born in Englewood, NJ but raised in Harlem is a Christian rapper that goes by the name of Saint James. Saint James brings a powerful message that paints a surreal picture of the end times with his latest release “True Story: The Saint James LP”. With production from Sinima Beats, Flawless Tracks, and Tea Time Phillip Jones. With Brightnie Jones as a featured artist, it’s definitely an album that brings to light some unheard names (at least for me anyways), but that doesn’t stop from delivering a true message that’s biblical.

 The tracks that stuck out the most on this album were Take Over, and We Don’t Play. I was however interested and drawn into the album by the skits throughout it that made you think about what end times would or could be like. The skits were well played out, and thought out, as well as delivered.

Put up against other albums and projects though, it isn’t as solid in quality in terms of mixing, and production as other albums put out by other artists, but that still didn’t stop Saint James from delivering his message, and bringing his style to the table.

Comprehensive Ratings:

    •       Music: 5 of 10

    •       Flow / Delivery: 7 of 10

    •       Lyricism: 8 of 10

    •       Content: 8.3 of 10

    •       Creativity / Originality / Relevancy: 7.8 of 10

    •       Credibility / Confidence: 6.8 of 10

    •       Personality / Character: 7.2 of 10

    •       Presentation Quality: 5 of 10

    •       Overall Production Quality: 6.9 of 10

    •       Potential Impact: 7 of 10


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