Video: Anonymous Talks About Konnekting with Students & Parents

Anonymous shares some thoughts from Reggie Joiner’s ‘Parenting Beyond Your Capacity’ on the importance of konnekting with students and partnering with parents as we come together to influence their faith journey.

Would love your feedback.  Let me know your thoughts on how the Church is doing in terms of impacting the lives of students. Are we being effective? Do students need an additional voice outside their parents to help them navigate through life and their faith journey?

About ‘Anonymous’ aka Eddie Cortes
Known as Anonymous within the Christian Hip-Hop circles, Eddie Cortes, is the co-owner of the Holy Culture Network.  For over 12 years Eddie traveled the US touring with Carriers of the Cross rocking out concerts, eating more pizza than you can imagine, sleeping on hardwood floors and fixing broken down tour buses. Eddie has also spoken in various venues across the states.  After several national projects Eddie was called to a local ministry where he now serves as the full time Student Pastor for Cornerstone Family in FL.  Eddie has been married for 8 years, has a beautiful and spunky 5 year old daughter and a schizophrenic dog that stalks him around the house.