Obesity vs. Ministry

safe_imageService began at 10:30am, sharp, every Sunday.  Everyone from town was dressed to the nines, riding in the finest of cars, showing up on time with spotless shoes, reputations in check and status’ at an all-time high.  “Good morning, Ms.  Millie!”  “Good morning, Eugenia!”  “And how is that young, fine and successful husband of yours?”  This was the start of most Sunday morning conversations.  Everybody was more than familiar with everybody.  It was almost like a weekly family reunion.  The service began with a selection from our award winning choir with the lead singer, Edwina Jenkins.  Trudging forward from the second row to take to the microphone and blow the congregation away with her voice.  She was 275lbs of pure power!  The shouting and dancing went on for what seemed to be an eternity!  What excitement!  Just when you couldn’t take another moment, the Pastor brought forth a message that if I didn’t know any better, came straight from the throne room of glory itself!  He was an intelligent, sharply dressed, large man of about 325lbs., dripping with sweat so heavy, it could’ve been mistaken for great drops of blood!  At the close of service, the pastor prayed for those with financial burdens, sicknesses of all types, demonic possession and the like!  But no prayer for obesity.  Well, maybe it’s just a control issue, right?  I mean, I could stand to lose about 80lbs, but then again, so could most of the folk in this 4 walled, over-heated sauna!  I mean church.  After all, I am a minister!  Doesn’t that stand for something?  Surely I am not being judged for how I look.  I’ll just buy bigger clothes.  No one will care that I can hardly breathe.  Anyway, enough of that!    Getting myself all worked up over nothing!  Service has just ended and it’s time to head downstairs for the fried chicken, mashed potatoes, collard greens, corn bread and apple pie dinner that is so lovingly prepared for us each week!

For decades upon decades we have been made to feel that being overweight is unsightly, unbecoming and worst of all, unhealthy.  The experts have warned us time and time again that obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, just to name a few, among many other illnesses.  However, that is not the status quo in ministry.  Why is that?  Aside from outward appearance, aren’t we responsible for how we maintain this body we have been given?  Don’t get me wrong!  Not all of us were meant to be a size 2 or 4 for that matter!  However, I do believe that with the workload required in true ministry, you need to maintain a healthy life style, spiritually, financially and physically!  Just think of how tired you are after Sunday morning service and you’re not even in the choir.  Imagine having to lead in the praise and worship for 45 minutes, stand for 60 minutes to bring forth the Word, pray for all those people with so many ailments and then meet more of the same in the back after service to continue with counseling, advice and more prayer?  I’d say that’s a workout in itself!  We should be an example of Christ in every area, including diet and exercise!

Dr. Ted Broer, a noted physician and nutritionist, seen numerous times on Benny Hinn’s weekly program, is quoted as stating that sugar lowers our white blood cells.  White blood cells fight disease and infection.  We need to cut sugar from our diet.  Make small healthy changes so that we can live longer.  International gospel artist, Kim Burrell decided that her health was more important than her career which lead her to the life changing decision to have gastric bypass surgery after suffering with more than 2 heart attacks that almost killed her!  She has shed an amazing 100lbs and is currently maintaining at a healthy weight!  Many of us will die before our time because of this obesity epidemic.  Drinking half of your body weight in ounces of pure water can help reduce body fat!  Let’s start to take care of ourselves inside and out.  Maybe then, there will be less of us on the prayer line and more of us on the mission fields.   For more information on these and other health tips, visit Dr. Ted Broer’s website at www.Healthmasters.com.   Be well, prosperous and healthy!  –   Sistah


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